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Turning Password Reset Into a Customer Service Opportunity

The customer service pain (and opportunity!) of password reset

By far, the most painful (and solvable) customer service issue we hear about is password reset. Even huge corporations with powerful self-service tools sometimes hesitate to roll them out because they know it will drive a rush of password reset calls to their call center – and frustrate a lot of their users.

So it’s a conundrum. Drive users to self-serve in an effort to reduce traffic to your call center and risk password reset backlash – or just accept that a large percentage of your users won’t self-serve with automated tools without a frustrating learning curve.

There’s another way to solve it, and it’s called multimodal.

Multimodal uses an AI-powered voice channel to walk users through an automated self-service process, like password reset. So users get the smart, responsive guidance they need via the voice channel, as they self serve for the issue at hand. In the process, they get a little training on how to use the app, which will serve them (and you) in the future.

Customers don’t have to wait for service, they can move at their own pace, and they get the satisfaction of resolving the issue themselves without frustration. Quick, inexpensive resolution and happy customers.

Try it out and you’ll get it immediately. It’s a new way to manage automated customer service and it works.