31 spooky customer service facts & stats

In honor of the upcoming spooktacular holiday, I’ve put together a list of 31 haunting facts and statistics about the customer service industry.

Andrei Papancea


1. “A quarter of Americans would rather shave their heads than contact customer service.” - Forbes 

2. “Per a January 2022 Independent Directors Counsel (IDC) White Paper commissioned by Emplifi, only 11% of customers would rate their CX as excellent, leaving companies a lot of room to improve.” - Insider Intelligence

3. “58% of consumers say their customer service expectations are higher than they were a year ago.” -TalkDesk

4. "Customers can be quick to punish companies after poor service. 33% would consider switching companies immediately after poor service. 60% would consider switching after 2-3 instances of poor service." - American Express

5. "33% of customers are most frustrated by having to wait on hold. 33% are most frustrated by having to repeat themselves to multiple support reps." - Hubspot Research

6. “78% of customers have backed out of purchasing because of a negative customer service experience." - Zippia

7. “94% of consumers expect customer support to become more technologically advanced.” - CGS

8. “It takes 12 positive customer experiences to make up for one negative experience.” - Glance

9. "52% of consumers are extremely or somewhat likely to switch brands if a company doesn’t make an effort to personalize their communications to them." - PATLive via Salesforce

10. “30% of Americans would rather do their taxes than try to resolve an issue through customer service.” - Forbes 

11. “80% of customers now consider the experience a company provides to be as important as its products and services.” - Salesforce Research 

12. “53% of customers believe companies don’t take any action on customer feedback." - Zippia

13. “66% of consumers say they’re extremely or somewhat likely to switch brands if they feel like they’re treated like a number rather than an individual." - PATLive via Salesforce

14. “Customers will tell an average of 16 people about a negative customer service experience." - Zippia

15. “71% of consumers said customer service at large businesses stayed the same or got worse.” - CGS

16. “90% of companies do not acknowledge or inform the customer that an email has been received.”  - Super Office

17. “97% of companies do not send a follow-up email to customers to see if they are satisfied with the response.” - Super Office  

18. “A customer is four times more likely to switch to a competitor if the problem they're having is service-based." - HelpScout via Bain and Company

19. “62% of respondents have stopped using a company specifically because of bad customer support.” - Forbes 

20. “93% of customer service teams say customers have higher expectations than ever before.” - Hubspot

21. "90% of Americans use customer service as a factor in deciding whether or not to do business with a company." - Hubspot via Microsoft

22. "65% of customers said they have changed to a different brand because of a poor experience." - HelpScout via Khoros

23. “78% of consumers have contacted a company multiple times to address a single concern.” - NBC

24. “Customer service agents are managing 7.2 more calls per day.” - Calabrio

25. “Businesses lose about $75 billion each year due to poor customer service." - Zippia

26. “Only 26% of U.S. workers believe their organization always delivers on the promises they make to customers.” - Gallup

27. “62% of companies ignore customer service emails.” - Super Office

28. “Pubic Administration / Government is among the top five most hated industries by customer satisfaction score.” - Hubspot 

29. “North American airline customers should prepare to wait on hold for 59 minutes on average, according to the 2022 Airline Customer Service Benchmark Report.” - Netomi

30. “62% of customers say they share bad experiences with others.” - Oberlo via Salesforce

31. “Companies are still averaging a 14% volume increase in call centers.” - CGS

Andrei Papancea

Andrei is our CEO and swiss-army knife for all things natural language-related.

He built the Natural Language Understanding platform for American Express, processing millions of conversations across AmEx’s main servicing channels.

As Director of Engineering, he deployed AWS across the business units of Argo Group, a publicly traded US company, and successfully passed the implementation through a technical audit (30+ AWS accounts managed).

He teaches graduate lectures on Cloud Computing and Big Data at Columbia University.

He holds a M.S. in Computer Science from Columbia University.