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The Best Moments From AWS re:Invent 2022

AWS re:Invent is always a good conference, but this year was outstanding! Shouting out a few of the things that made the conference extra special.

Last week, I had the opportunity to attend AWS re:Invent 2022! I’ve attended annually since 2016, and every year has been better than the next.

This year really stood out though - NLX has grown a lot since the company was founded in 2018, and we’ve expanded our capabilities, AWS integrations, our client base, and our AWS Competencies! So in honor of all that’s happened, I thought it might be fitting to spotlight my top three favorite moments that made this year’s AWS re:Invent so special - here they are.

#1 Connecting with Clients and Partners

I know it’s probably not shocking that this was my first favorite thing about AWS re:Invent, but I do mean it! 

NLX welcomed several new clients this year, and it was nice to meet those client teams at re:Invent and dig into the specifics and nuances of the conversations they are working to craft as part of their customer experience. New ideas formed and conversations quickly evolved over the course of the conference that have us even more excited about what’s next. 

We also had the opportunity to meet with various AWS teams that we partner with in person, which led to great working sessions and fun conversations. After months, and in some cases (due to the pandemic), years of working remotely, it was nice to meet some of the teams in-person. 

re:Invent has always been a great place to network, connect, and reconnect with amazing people, and this year was no exception. 

re:Invent 2022 photos of NLX co-founders Vlad and Andrei Papancea plus Chief Strategy Officer Brian Dawson with partners and clients.

#2 Seeing The Showroom on Display as a Partner Solution 

AWS always does a great job promoting its partners, and this year was no exception! 

We were thrilled to see The Showroom -  a live, interactive, and personalized travel and hospitality customer self-service experience showcasing best-in-class conversational AI - featured on the floor of the conference for customers to interact with!

The Showroom is built using AWS services like Amazon Lex, Amazon Connect, and Amazon Pinpoint, which integrate with the Conversations by NLX platform within minutes. The experience illustrates how easy and cost-effective it is to create your own realistic, end-to-end multimodal, multichannel customer self-service experience using NLX and AWS. (Try it for yourself here.)

Photos of The Showroom experience on display at the partner booth at re:Invent 2022.

#3 NLX Getting Mentioned in the Partner Solutions Speech as Part of the Conversational AI Competency Launch

Since 2001, AWS Head of Global Partner Organization Doug Yeum has delivered a partner keynote that covers “cloud-powered innovation and the opportunity it creates for AWS Partners, as well as how AWS Partners use the AWS Cloud to build innovative solutions and services, differentiate their businesses, and enable customers in virtually every industry to transform their businesses.” 

Having been in past years, this speech has always been interesting - I enjoy seeing how other companies are innovating to transform various industries. But this year was especially cool, as NLX was included in the launch announcement for the Conversational AI Competency distinction! (More on that here.) 

To check out the moment when it launched, check out the AWS-official YouTube video of Doug Yeum’s 2022 speech here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7p-zELNqFs  (Timecode: 30:56 - 32:48)